Beachhead Haiti Operations were indefinitely suspended in 2019 upon the fall of the Haitian Government & Judicial System. Port-au-Prince is currently one of the most violent and dangerous cities in the world.

Fundamentally improve humanitarian aid outcomes;
by taking direct action in developing world crises zones.
Established in 2010, Beachhead International Foundation is an all volunteer,
fundraising-free, not-for-profit BioSecurity Aid charity.
We are dedicated to saving lives & lessening human suffering in desperate places,
through Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH) solutions.
SInce 2010, the Founder has donated & personally delivered over 500,000 Gallons of Chlorine Dioxide Sanitization Solutions to Port-au-Prince orphanages and faith based networks.

biosecurity (n): procedures intended to protect humans, animals, plants & environment against infectious diseases
or harmful contaminations.
beachhead (n): a newly secured position from which to regroup, re-supply & advance fight forward.

Contact Us
Send us an email message and the appropriate representative will contact you within 24 hours.