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2013 Results



1)  We Launched our improved Emergency WaSH ClO2 product solutions and made usage & application instructions available online in over 20 languages.

2)  We made (1) manned ‘mission’ and (1) product shipment to Port-au-Prince, Haiti.



On May 12th, Beachhead launched its latest Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Solutions (The Beachhead Box) in Haiti and implemented it in the form of nearly 6,000 gallons of disinfection throughout 8 on-going Beachhead WaSH projects. Beachhead will help keep clean & safe nearly 15,000 at-risk people over the the next 4 months.


Beachhead worked with cross-industry experts to design and manufacture pre-measured, color coded disinfection tablets which don’t require complicated generation and application concentration calculations. End users simply add color coded tablets into corresponding universal sized containers (with color-coded labels).


Its essentially ‘Ger-animals’ for sanitization! and a huge improvement over current methods and tools.  Basically, we’ve cracked the ‘SIMPLE’ Code for SANITIZATION and overcome many of the typical language and technical barriers that plaque sanitization protocols & aid……and we’re less expensive than locally sold CHLORINE/HTH!


To our knowledge, no other product nor organization has designed or packaged its disinfections solutions in this manner.


Since OCT 2010, we’ve made 5 manned missions and delivered over 450,000 gallons of sanitization solutions to people in extraordinarily tough environments.  In 2012 we transitioned our emergency disinfection aid in HAITI to that of supporting a few key projects and institutions battle their ongoing water, sanitation and hygiene challenges.


New Solution: The Beachhead BOX (13″x13″x13″) contains everything needed to keep 100 to 1000 kids (and adults) healthy & safe from water and food borne pathogens and ODORS across their ENTIRE environment. Each BOX contains the BASE PACKAGE sprayers and ClO2 tablets pictured below. Each Beachhead project receives enough TABLETS & TOOLS to cover their projected sanitization needs for 3-4 months.


New Solution: Beachhead GAS GENERATOR CONTAINER allows for safe chlorine dioxide fumigations, a very appreciated capability in unsanitary environments.  Its the clear PET container with the white ‘hockey puck’ (Hydrophilic Foil) circle on its top.  Gas comes out….ClO2 liquid stays in!


But, the ‘newest’ component to the Beachhead Box is the Blue SOCCER BALL (specially made, indestructible, no air required….which is key given the ‘no grass’ anywhere type environments these kids inhabit)  As cool as the disinfection stuff is to the orphanage Director and some kids….one soccer ball literally brings unadulterated happiness and immediate smiles to 90 kids.  Difference was made AND Appreciated.


Beachhead Delivered & Implemented ClO2 Sanitization Tablets, Protocols, Containers & Sprayers To:


+  TWO Orphanages (125 kids)

+  THREE Rural Primary Schools which additionally provide food services and medical for approximately 1,900 kids.  (operated by Haiti’s Christian Pastors)

+  ONE Large Hospital:  Hospital St. Croix TREATS & PROCESSES approximately 1,000 people per week ; 50 beds, 2 Operating Rooms and Maternity/Birthing Ward which support a very poor & sick (cholera infested) 300,000 person community.  Beachhead helps sanitize its facility, medical instrument & equipment surfaces.

+  ONE Large Physical Rehabilitation Center: Healing Hands for Haiti is the premier physical rehabilitation center in HAITI and treats hundreds of patients per week. Beachhead helps sanitize its facility, medical instrument & equipment surfaces.


+  St. Louis deGonzaga School (@1600 kids) whose graduates will unquestionably become Haiti’s future leaders (as they have for the last 100 years). Beachhead helps sanitize its classroom facility’s, toilet & wash rooms, kitchen  prep and food service areas. The goal is to get the kids thinking and using sanitization and learning its importance.

Hopefully, when they’re older and in position to influence….they will remember and take actions to improve local WaSH standards.  Until then…we’ll keep them clean.

Again, thank you for your interest, contributions and personal support.  Together, we are making a small difference on a very tough planet.



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